▲ So the angels prostrated (sujud) themselves, all of them together, except Iblîs — he refused to be among the prostrators (Surah al-Baqarah Ayat 34). The above photo was taken during Fajr prayer. Panasonic DMC-GF1 f/2.5, 1/30sec, ISO 250 at focal length 14mm. ©2013 WakGelas™
mafhumnye: Umrah Orang Berdosa: Sudah Rindu Kaabah
Salam dino senin hari senin ye kengkawan wak ..,
aLhamdulillah,.bebienornyer wak dh smpi tanahair semalam pagi., arini dh keje yee., kalo wak x keje dapor umahhs wak Xde asapp okehh.., banyaknye umahhs kanns.,uHHuuu