▲ Sunrise from the campsite of Gunung Brinchang before ascending to Gunung Irau. Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres, making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™
Salam hari Senin ye kengkawan wak sumer2larr.., ape keje poyo wak dh buat pepagi sabtu dan ahad semalamm., ahKKs
Gunung Irau wak dh tawan conquered ye hari Sabtu pd jam 11.58am., pas 2 jam wak mendaki dari basecamp ke Mini Irau dan sejam setengah sampi ke puncak Irau yee., jadik jumlah 3jam setengah ghituu ;-p
Tak seperti yg wak jangkakan, Gunung Irau nih xlah seteruk yg digembor2kan.., pemandangan yg xlah seohsem mana walopon ramai pelancong dtg nak tengok hutan penoh lumut nihh., treknye pon xlah seteruk gunung ledang yee., TApi yg paling de best kat hutan gunung Irau inih yelarr -- takdok pacat okehh.., wak ulangi takde pacat yee., ehHHHee
Nota amaran. Entri wak ini tidak mengandungi informasi yg berguna untuk kegunaan anda bertujuan tuk memanjat mendaki menawan Gunung Irau yee., CArila info dlm blog orglen yg lebeyy hebatts.., ahHKkks

Please click more to see more photos of the adventure.

▲ A group photo (Mosti, Media Prima TV3 & Pelopor Adventure Teams) before ascending to the mountain top of Gunung Irau. Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres, making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™

▲ Me and the mossy forest of Mount Irau. Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres, making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™

▲ Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres, making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™

▲ I conquered the mountain top of Gunung Irau at 11.58am. Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres above sea level (m.a.p.l. ??), making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™

▲ A view from the top of Gunung Irau. Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres, making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™

▲ A group photo (Mosti, Media Prima TV3 & Pelopor Adventure Teams) at top of Mount Irau. Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres, making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™

▲ Photo credit to bro Halimi Siefer Hassan. Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres, making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™

▲ Not bad being the first timer for hiking Gunung Irau. Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres, making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™

▲ Pas 1 malam 1 hari menzalimi diri sendiri dalam hutan haruslah memanjakan diri jugak di hotel. Lol. Mount Irau (Gunung Irau) is a high mountain located at Pahang. Its summit is 2110 metres, making it the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds; are some of the characteristics at Irau. ©2014 WakGelas™
salam pagi isnin wak... cantik pemandangan atas gunung tu, kebesaran kuasa Ilahi...
ReplyDeletesalam senin jugak cik kak farah waheda wahid tuuu., cantik gmbr tu cantik lagii bahu memikullnyer., ehHHee alhamdulillahhh
DeleteSalam Wak,
ReplyDeleteSubhanallah, cantiknya pemandangan tu Wak. Kalau syiling ni dah kira toning yang cantik kat bahagian awan tuh! Kat luar negara Syiling natural toning mahal Wak.
harhar2 kon bikin wak konpius jakk., wak terpaksa baca ko punye ayat punye 'syiling' punye 'toning' dua tiga kali baru wak pahamm., ahhKKs
Deleteterharunye wak..smart wakk..pic on shape btol
ReplyDeletealaa wak exercise biasa2 ajeer., sikit sikit lama2 jadik bukit..,iiHKkks
Deletetenang jiwa tengok pemandangan menghijo...heheh
ReplyDeletejomm mendakii..,kihkih2
DeleteSubhan Allah..mmg suka sgt tengok! Mesti sejuk sgt daki gunung ni kan.
ReplyDeletexlah sejuk banget mak ujie yee., tengok gmbr kat atas puncak tu ramai yg pakey t-shirt jer makk.,ahHKs
Deletetp tdo dlm khemah dlm hutan irau tuu memey sejuk giler, leh kecot telo ye makk.,uHUuuuu
Masuk umah wak ni..hati mak tenang jer..tgk scenery2 cantek2 banget ni wak...
ReplyDeletealhamdulillah., mcm 'dlm hati ado taman' ke makk.,harhar2
Deletecantik nyer gambar!cantik nyer view...
ReplyDeletetimekasehla mak mrs eady sukak gmbr2 wak yg biase2 ajeeer nih.., heee
Deletelawa gambar yang wak ambik nih. sungguh mengperlihatkan alam semulajadi wak. eh eh berpuitis la pulak hihi
ReplyDeletetimekasehla sukak gmbr wak amek gune kamera compact je nih yee., ehHHee
Deletecompact tak compact. pemandangan dengan gambar nih tetap lawa. hihi
DeleteBlogwalking here again wak . xda buat apa Bw je kerja. haha
Deletegamba cantik cantik!!!
ReplyDeletetimekaseh jugakk., ;-p
DeleteCantik gambar pokok tu Wak.
ReplyDeletetenokks gmbr pon chantek kan makk, tu blom lagik tenokk depan2 mata sendirik.,iHHKs
Deletewak....cantiknya pemandangan kat situ...teruja ler.....
ReplyDeletetu blom mak tenokks dgn mata sendirikk.,ehhHHee
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSalam Wak, respect sama wak lah sbb stamina kuat dan masih bertenaga mesti minum tongkat ali sebelum daki ni hehehe gurau jek. Klau dh biasa daki2 gunung ni akan biasa kan wak tk ada pe pun tgh prepare tuk ke gunung kinabalu ke. Berbaloi kan coz view yg sgt awesome
ReplyDeletePemandangan dari atas gunung memang cantik......:D
ReplyDeleteterbaik wak. lawa pemandangan. kawasan bermosses tu cantik...
ReplyDeleteSalam Wak..
ReplyDeletehoho..mendaki lagi..:)
great pictures taken :)
assalam Wak...
ReplyDeleteseronoknya...dulu zaman2 sekolah SA suka aktiviti ni...sekarang kalau nak buat kena fikir 23 kali kot...ntah larat lagi ke x...
Pemandangan di atas gunung sesungguhnya amat menakjubkan.
ReplyDeleteSaya paling suka tengok gambar Wak bertongkat tu, bak mahaguru yang penuh kesaktian
Muda2 dulu pnh twn gunung ledang, skrg biarlah wak saja yg jadi duta kami
Salam wak....meriah2x..thumbs up utk wak and the group bjya sampi puncak ;) next mountain wak???
ReplyDeleteWak, punyalah mak jahil geografi...sampaikan mak matik2 ingatkan Gunung Irau ni di Sarawak.
ReplyDeletegambar2 wak sangat memukau..:)
ReplyDeletewoaahhh best best..
ReplyDeleteWahhh cantiknya gamba2 tu wak.....
ReplyDeletesalam wak..
ReplyDeletetahniah2.. nice captured.. :)
untung la xde pacat..